Improve quality of life

  • develop our present science based sessions at Soundskills to have a more ‘local’ emphasis
  • making technology fun programme leading to an automatons & robot building competition
  • start a programme of wellbeing sessions for primary school children at Brookfield Community Primary School with an emphasis on ‘preventative health’
  • create an Odd Job ‘local repair’ service that does practical tasks (gardening, decorating, tip runs etc) for vulnerable people but essentially talks/listens to them and makes them feel more secure
  • devise a ‘talking technologies’ network of homes where the issue of social isolation can be addressed through amazon echo devices
  • pilot a number of ‘smart homes’ on the estate looking at how technology can reduce energy use and streamline life in the home
  • begin a programme of ‘counselling training’ based around the ‘pampering model’ where we create a pool of local people who are good listeners and can signpost people to services

Counter changes in the labour market

  • develop an equality driven local economy model based around 1. technology based employment like web & app design, music devices, cottage industry 3D printer initiative. 2. More sustainable income generation from Soundskills
  • the creation of ‘meaningful’ voluntary roles on the estate (a new kind of career)
  • ensuring that the importance of quality ‘human to human’ connection is central to everything we do and that ‘time saved’ for people by automation, is ‘time well spent’

Create a 20 year strategy

  • begin the process gently with a ‘Future Brookfield’ event at the school (summer 2019) and build local peoples relationship with technology through practical usefulness and fun
  • enable local people & key partners to buy into the strategy from education, health, technology, patrons, commercial sector, voluntary sector, arts sector, economics, statutory bodies, open-source community and city institutions
  • align our initiative with The Preston Model and sustainable energy targets
  • develop a local tech manifesto